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Balancing Your Time
The Maids Columbus • December 27, 2013

There never seems to be enough time! Between working, cooking, cleaning, and spending time with loved ones, there are just never enough hours in a day. Finding ways to balance your time is crucial. It reduces stress and makes for an all-around happier you.

To balance your time, there are a number of things you can do. First and foremost, make a plan! If you schedule your day, you tend to stick to it. Have a calendar on your email? Set up alerts to keep you on track and include friends' and relatives' birthdays so you never forget. 

Make sure to plan for yourself. Carve out personal time just for you for working out, for reading a book, or even for taking a bath. If you don't schedule time for yourself, you won't do it!

Next, plan ahead for meals. Typically, meal shopping and meal planning takes up a huge chunk of time. So if you spend a little extra time on the weekends planning your week's menus, you can save time every day, coming out ahead in the long run. Buy a little extra on your next shopping trip, prepare meals in advance and freeze them.

Or, if your family takes lunches to school or work, make all five days' lunches on the weekend and have them ready to go!

As for cleaning house, there are some very expedient ways to do it! Clean once, and let the dust accumulate for a few days! Let your weekdays be for work, and only tidying things that absolutely need it. Just do the dishes and laundry, and let the lesser tasks, like dusting or floor cleaning wait until the weekend.

If you just cannot do that, reverse it! Never vacuum or dust on weekends and do those chores during the week. Having time off from housework will really make you feel less stressed.

And finally, if you are really swamped, consider employing house cleaning services! House cleaning services are usually affordable and will free up your time considerably, leaving you free to concentrate on more important things like family.

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