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Is your electricity bill more than you expected? Is it just higher than desired? No matter what the situation is in your home, there are many ways to reduce the amount of money it takes out of your pocket. You can use that money elsewhere like hiring a maid service to keep your home clean. Many electronics have higher energy demand in the form of watts, including:
These devices consume the bulk of your electrical bill amount each and every single month. When it is applicable, set timers or programmable units to turn the devices off when they are not needed. In addition, turn them off manually when not in use.
Some devices always consume electricity, even when off like stereo systems and computers. The energy draw is really low though, but unplugging them does have an impact on your energy costs. Just give it a try and you will see a difference. The small wattage usage from all these types of devices can really add up. Unplug that cell phone charger or tablet charger when it is not being used. Use a remote control shutoff plug for the stereo when not in use. Unplug the computer until you need to boot it up and use it. Little things like this do make a difference.
Aside from higher wattage applications, devices with lower energy draw can add up to a huge total. Items that use less energy can include:
These low-wattage devices can be unplugged or turned off when not in use. Plug-in timers can be used for fans and dusk-to-dawn devices can be used outdoors. Aside from that, ceiling fans can be switched off when nobody is home and at night. Many people forget to turn their ceiling fans off at night in rooms that they are not sleeping in.
In addition, you can replace older electronics with newer, energy efficient devices. This can also include replacing old incandescent bulbs with fluorescent lights. Furthermore, consider reducing dishwasher and washing machine usage by waiting until you have a full load. The dishwasher may use more electricity if you constantly run it all the time. Your washing machine may use more energy with bigger loads, but it saves in overall electrical usage. This is because you won't be washing as much and all the small loads would run longer in total than the less but bigger loads.
Lakeview Plaza Blvd, Columbus, OH 43085 USA