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Every year, experts in design and color make predictions on the types of colors, designs, and styles that will be popular in the seasons to come, and those predictions are being made for 2013.
Which colors are being chosen for this year? Three of them are:
Emerald Green. Pantone has chosen Emerald as their color prediction, and they are suggesting the color for everything from clothes to interior design to dishes and accessories.
Green seems to be a popular color, as a lighter color, Aloe, has been predicted elsewhere, followed by pale yellow, some off whites, and a deep, charcoal-inspired blue.
The most important thing is to find items and colors you enjoy. If you can find items that suit your style in the popular colors, go for it, but also consider colors that complement well. For instance, rich blues and light yellows go well with emerald green, and white goes well with any green, as well.
Yellow can be an energizing color, but it can also be tiring to look at, so use yellow as a beautiful accent color to other colors you like, especially to complement lighter rooms or make items jump off of darker surfaces.
The interesting color choice is the blue-black, a great bold choice for one or two walls, for furniture, or for things like throw pillows and blankets.
As you decorate, keep your own style in mind. It’s fun to follow trends and popular colors, but don’t try to force yourself to like something just because it’s popular. When you stay true to what you like, your home will be beautiful, no matter what!
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