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If you're a parent, there has likely been a time when you've thought about doing some kind of project with your children but thought better of it not because you didn't want to do the project, but because you didn't want to do the cleaning you knew would come afterward!
You certainly aren't the first to feel this way, and it has led parents and bloggers to find crafts that are fun but thankfully, not too messy. To make it even easier, use a thin, plastic tablecloth or newspaper as a surface. Here are three of our favorites:
A hit with kids, these decorative bags can be used in a lot of different ways. The step-by-step is pretty straightforward, and you'll need plain gift-style bags, washable glue, washable paint, and glitter.
Once the bags dry, they look great and are ready to use!
Elevating kids' painting, this is automatic art, already framed!
Once it dries, it will already look like art—just hang it on the wall.
These are a favorite because they look both so polished and so crafty at the same time. You'll want some paper mache or small cardboard boxes, paint, glue, and craft seal/gloss.
What project will you try with your children?
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